Introducing Rollins
/I am still on maternity leave, but I wanted to drop in to introduce you to our newest team member :)
My sweet Rollins McLaughlin Reutter finally made her debut on the morning of October 8th. She needed a little persuading at first, but then was ready to go! I went in for my last doctor's appointment when I was 40 weeks, 1 day. The doctor told me then that I was more than ready (3cm dilated and 80% effaced) if I wanted to be induced. I've never been a fan of inductions as I've heard so many horror stories, and I always wanted my baby to pick her own birthday. But Jon was having to head back to work soon, and I wanted as much time with him in the country as I could. After my doctor reassured me it would be an easy process, we set up a time for me to come in that night at 10pm, October 7th.
They got me all hooked up to the monitors and informed me that I was actually contracting every 3 minutes. I had several nights of false labor so I guess I had just become desensitized to most pains. It made me feel better knowing that she was probably going to pick October 8th as her birthday anyway :)
They started the Pitocin at 11:30pm, broke my water at 6:30am when I was 6cm, and I was ready to push at 8am! My epidural had mostly worn off by then so it was definitely a different experience than when I had Auden (where I felt nothing, not even pressure down there). But I didn't have to push near as long, and my recovery after was night and day from last time. I was thankful to have had wonderful nurses again this time. My first nurse, who was there with me until about an hour before Rollins was born, had three girls of her own and we learned that her oldest two had the same birthdays as my two girls! How crazy is that? She informed me that my next one would be born February 21st (like her third) Haha. We'll see about that--Jon isn't quite convinced yet :)
Proud daddy and his new baby girl.
Anyway, as I mentioned, Miss Rollins McLaughlin Reutter made her way into the world at 8:26am with a full head of dark hair (Daddy got a mini me this time!), weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches long. We were all so surprised! She's been such a sweet, easy (knock on wood) baby so far.
Big sister Auden has taken to her quite well. The first thing she looks for after waking up is "baby," and she loves giving her hugs and kisses. I can't wait to see what friends they'll be!
We had our photographer, Jordan Burch, come and take some newborn shots at our home when Rollins was nearly a week old, and I just had to share some favorites with you guys. I love how she captured my little family and our home. (A post on the nursery will be coming soon!)
To finish out my pregnancy posts, I thought I'd do a summary from the start.
How I Broke the News to Jon: I wanted him to COMPLETELY surprised by only knowing there was big news when that news was right in front of his face. So lucky for me?? the night before I found out, I had dropped my phone in the tub while giving Auden a bath. I decided to use this to my advantage. I took a picture of the positive test and kept it up on the screen. When Jon got home from the gym that day, I told him my phone was "being weird" which he was not at all excited about (as you might expect). "What do you mean??" he said. "I don't know...the screen keeps doing something funny. Here take a look" I said as I handed him the phone (with pregnancy test shot on the screen). He immediately said "Are you serious?? We're having another baby!!" and started jumping up and down. I think I really got him when he went from mad (about the phone) to ecstatic :) When I broke the news with Auden, I had to wait 8 LONG HOURS to tell him because he was overseas, and we didn't get to Skype until that night. You know how torturous it is to keep a secret like that to yourself for that long?? I was so glad to get to tell him in person this time and hear his reaction (his roommate was sleeping last time so he had to type his response "NO WAY! NO WAY!").
Best Part of the First Trimester: Finding out. I was just as shocked, surprised and excited to find out the second time as the first. And of course sharing the wonderful news with everyone else is always fun!
Worst Part of the First Trimester: The nausea and vomiting. It started earlier this time at 5.5 weeks and lasted longer, until 17 weeks. These sweet baby girls kick my butt every time. I always felt the worst at night (my vomiting time) so dinner and bath time with Auden was always a struggle. Thankfully my in-laws live nearby and were so gracious to help when Jon was away on trips.
First Trimester Food Cravings: Nothing really because of the sickness. Anything bland. Plain baked chips, mashed potatoes, etc. I wanted absolutely nothing that tasted remotely sweet--not even sprite.
Best Part of the Second Trimester: Three things. 1. Finding out the gender! I got to surprise Jon this time! 2. Finally getting over the nausea and feeling like myself again! 3. Our 5-year anniversary trip turned babymoon to Turks and Caicos.
Worst Part of Second Trimester: The nausea that lasted the first few weeks into the 2nd trimester. Other than that, it was great! I had the most energy and felt the most like myself.
Second Trimester Food Cravings: About halfway through the 2nd trimester I started wanting sweets again and Oreo milkshakes were a favorite. Hot sandwiches were also a big hit--Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki from Subway or a good Philly Cheesesteak!
Best Part of Third Trimester: Finishing up the nursery, our maternity shoot at 37 weeks and eagerly awaiting our sweet girl's arrival. We all thought she'd be early so each week in the end I thought "Will this be the week?!"
Worst Part of Third Trimester: The waiting game, back aches and labor tricks--I was awoken several nights with intense contractions, but they would go away after a couple of hours.
Third Trimester Food Cravings: Any kind of baked good--brownies, chocolate chip cookies! Also breakfast foods (even for dinner, which is rare for me), and cheeseburgers!
*All images by Jordan Burch Photography.