Lets Take a Trip
/Five years ago my husband and I got married on the sandy shores of Inlet Beach, FL. Even with 40+mph winds and impending rain, it was the most beautiful day.
The reception was held at Anna's Veranda, a Victorian home just steps away from the beach.
Five years. So much has changed since then. Life is funny that way, I suppose. To celebrate our anniversary, we're taking a trip and heading back to the Caribbean (we honeymooned in St. Thomas). It's our first time out of the country since our honeymoon and our first vacation together in 2.5 years.
This time we're headed to Turks and Caicos and will be staying at the Gansevoort Turks + Caicos on beautiful Grace Bay. It looks so magical! Sunday can't get here soon enough!
We've been told of a few restaurants we need to check out.
Beach House
And the renowned Da Conch Shack.
I'll be back with a full report and lots of inspiration I'm sure! Until next time...