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It was recently brought to our attention by one of our readers that our email subscription submission box was not working correctly. We are happy to report is it back up and running and are so sorry for anyone that tried to subscribe during the down time!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, allow me to tell you.  By submitting your email address in the box in the top right of our sidebar, you can sign up to receive blog posts directly in your email inbox.  If you're like me and don't have time to jump from site to site and prefer to see everything all in one place, this is a great option for you!  And the best part is you won't ever miss a post! 

Of course you also have the option of following us on Facebook where we post updates, deals and giveaways on top of our normal posts.  Please remember that if you aren't active on our Facebook page (i.e. liking posts, leaving comments, etc.) Facebook may not make our updates show up in your news feed.  So drop us a line and give us a like every now and then to stay up to date! :)    

Okay, enough of business talk, let's start this Memorial Day weekend!  While you're enjoying your cookouts, pool parties and beach vacations, please also stop to remember the real reason for the holiday.  As a wife of a soldier myself, I know the joy of having them return home safe and sound, and I can't imagine the pain or suffering of those that don't get to experience that.  Thank you to all that serve, whether here, overseas or at home (family members) :)  You do us all a service for which we are so grateful!