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the navies continue...

Remember this post? About my bedroom? Well it's been two months and those paint stripes are still on my wall. 


It still looks exactly like this:

{Except now I'm noticing things that I didn't before I posted it last time...like the wrinkled throw at the end of the bed and my night table drawer that's not quite closed...oops. Oh well.}

We put our home improvements on hold for a little while to deal with other things, and then as I was entering my nightly vegetative state that happens every night after my toddler is asleep (and appears to be staying asleep) a commercial flashed on the screen about a BOGO Valspar paint sale at Ace. 

"Babe! Paint! At Ace! We gotta go!" I yumbled (that's yelled and mumbled in one action).

"Ok...so go.." my husband mumbled back from the mounds of physics equations he was cramming into his poor brain for his architecture registration exam. (The real-life marriage of architecture and interior design...glamorous isn't it??)

So when Saturday afternoon rolled around, I made my way to our small-town Ace. In all truth, the colors I preferred for our walls were Benjamin Moore colors, but I was just so ready to have it done that I decided Valspar would work just fine. And of course I couldn't find the Benjamin Moore or even the Valspar paint cards to take with me. But I have a pretty good brain for remembering paint colors so I knew I would remember them when I saw them. 

But that's where Valspar and Ace throw a wrench into my system: they don't carry the standard Valspar colors. They have their own color line. So there I stood...looking at those paints and having no idea which one to choose--also knowing that they closed in a couple of hours and I didn't have time to wait on a wall swatch to dry (nevermind the fact that I was paint swatched out). And the local store was poorly lit with about 5 lumens of fluorescent light. I would even suspect the only light in that place came from the paint display. So I toted cards all over the store, took them to the window, held them up on walls.

And then I just picked a navy, handed it to the dude and said "Here. Do it. Two gallons of satin in this color. Quick before I change my mind!" 

So I walked out, with two gallons of non-refundable paint in this color:

Valspar for Ace: Mountain Midnight VR111A

It looks to be pretty close to the 2nd or 3rd color from the left on my paint swatch headboard. I'm not even painting a swatch on the wall. What's the point?! I have two gallons. Non-refundable. I'm not even going to think about it until it's painted on the walls. And then it will be done. 

{Note: I don't condone this type of behavior. This is how paint disasters happen, people. I only did it because I've been studying navies like crazy the past several months, and color is kinnnnda my strong suit *flips hair aloofly*}

So I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime here's a couple of great navy bedrooms I snagged off of Pinterest to keep your brain in a state of anticipation. 

I really really NEED this spindle bed. Really. You don't understand.

I actually think this is a very dark gray with a blue undertone more than a navy. But I still think this room is delicious. Sue me. 

Again, not quite a navy. A little too light. But still, it's good.

Wish me luck! As soon as it's up, you'll be the first to know!

Until next time...