Sprucing Up for Spring
Well, I had a long blog post set for you guys and then my screen froze and it was all lost. Sometimes technology is not my friend. But perhaps that mishap works to your benefit as I can tend to be long-winded at times. Allow me to cut to the chase.
This warm weather and prolonged hours of sunshine has lit a proverbial fire under my bottom and has me wanting to breathe new life into my home. Here are a few of my favorite ways to do so, just in time for spring.
1. Plants. If you have a green thumb, by all means use it. Bringing plants and flowers into your interiors is great way to freshen up a space. Small pots and vases can be sprinkled throughout your home at very little cost. If you don't have a green thumb, succulents are your friend. I was gifted with one a couple of weeks ago and lo and behold, it's still alive! If I can do it, so can you.
2. Candles. Trade in your cinnamon and cloves for some gardenia and lemon scents. Nothing says spring like the smell of freshness.
3. Updated linens. Whether it's a new monogrammed hand towel for your guest bathroom or some bright throw pillows for your sofa, purchasing a few new linens is an easy way to update a space without redoing the whole room.
Image via Lonny
4. Cleanse. Everyone is all about juice cleanses and body cleanses these days, but what I think we need is a home cleanse. Pick one room each day to go through and discard of unnecessary items and find a home for those things that constantly get shuffled around. Just tidying up a space can make it feel new again!
5. Enjoy! When your cleaning and updating is done, reward yourself by actually sitting back and taking it all in. What good is a great space if we don't stop and take the time to enjoy it?
Image via Elle Decor
Have a great weekend!